Lowongan Kerja PT Cinemaxx Global Pasifik (Cinépolis) Juni 2023

Lowongan Kerja PT Cinemaxx Global Pasifik (Cinépolis) Juni 2023

Job Responsibilities :
  • Review and analyze P&L/ cinema performance / film performance and relevant trend / behaviour for forecasting and formulating operating strategy and performance improvement plan.
  • Lead the Cinema Manager and give them support to achieve organizational and business goals by defining their strategic plan in KPI (Admissions, SPH, Strike Rate)
  • Perform and record audits and control checks in all cinemas to ensure adherence of systems and procedures. Guest Service
  • standard while minimizing operational risk.
  • Ensure guest experience and service is in line with organizational objective and constantly review the GX feedback and take corrective action to constantly improve service and guest experience

Requirements :
  • Experienced as Area / District / Regional Manager for minimum 3-5 years in Retail Hotel/Hospitality/Restaurant Business.
  • Good communication and presentation skill in English is a must.
  • Proven experience in leading a big team will be beneficial.
  • Strong analytical thinking skill and equipped by good analytic skill in Ms Excel will be a plus point.
  • Placement in Jakarta

Tanggung Jawab :
  • Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh kegiatan operasional Bioskop
  • Menyusun target timeline dan kegiatan pendukung untuk kegiatan operasional
  • Memastikan aspek keselamatan dan kebersihan diseluruh area operasional di Bioskop eterjaga dan terkendali dengan baik
  • Mengkoordinasikan dan melaksanakan promosi/event yang sedang berlangsung

Kualifikasi :
  • Diploma atau Sarjana dari Jurusan apapun
  • Pengalaman minimal 1-2 tahun sebagai Supervisor dari Hospitality/Quick Service Restaurant/Retail
  • Keterampilan komunikasi dan penanganan komplain yang baik
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik
  • Pengetahuan mendalam tentang tugas operasional administrasi, dan kontrol stok/inventaris
  • Keterampilan komputer yang baik terutama pada Ms Excel dan Ms Word
  • Penempatan di Jakarta

Job Responsibilities :
  • Identify and analyse the employee’s learning needs
  • Responsible for organizing employee learning program in accordance with scheduled agenda
  • Deliver workshop and learning
  • Evaluate the learning which that has been held
  • Ensure the number of certified members of the Development
  • Program in accordance with targets and standards
  • Homebase Medan, Bali and Jogja

Requirements :
  • At least 2-3 year(s) of working experience as Field Trainer.
  • Bachelor Degree of education, communication, psychology or management will be preferred.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skill
  • Experienced in creating training module and delivering training.
  • Good communication in English
  • Willing to be placed on Head Office – Medan / Bali / Jogja
  • Please state on the e-mail subject.

email: rio.prambudi@cinepolis.co.id

Pendaftaran paling lambat 30 Juni 2023

  • Harap selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala bentuk tindak penipuan.
  • Selalu hindari lowongan kerja yang memungut biaya saat proses rekrutmen, karena sejatinya mencari kerja adalah upaya untuk mencari dan mendapatkan upah, bukan untuk dipunguti upah.
  • Befwork selalu berusaha membantu untuk memilah dan memfilter informasi lowongan kerja yang dipublikasi. Tetapi, alangkah baiknya apabila diimbangi oleh wawasan yang lebih baik juga dari para Befseeker.

Tag: DIY,DKI,D3,S1,Media,Industri Perfilman,D3 DIY,D3 DKI,S1 DIY,S1 DKI,Media DIY,Media DKI,Industri Perfilman DIY,Industri Perfilman DKI,

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