Lowongan Kerja GoTo Financial 2022

Halo Befseeker! Selamat berjuang untuk mencari kerja dan merubah nasib. Pada kesempatan kali ini, Befwork menyajikan informasi lowongan kerja wilayah Jawa Barat  dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

District Merchant Activation Manager (Bogor/Bekasi)

What You Will Do
  • Design and evaluate effectiveness of cashier incentive programs to ensure that GoPay is being promoted by merchants’ cashiers to consumers in order to increase GTV
  • Work closely with district CE team to roll out these various programs
  • Oversee the performance of cashier trainers in the districts within the region including but not limited to: 
  • Review performance and take corrective actions to make sure cashier training is executed properly
  • Coach cashier trainers to identify cashiers need and to include in future training methods and initiatives
  • Support cashier trainers in creating training materials for the merchants’ cashiers
  • Liaise with National Merchant Activation Manager to determine POSM deployment and QC plan
  • Work with chosen vendors to execute POSM deployment, QC and replenishment
  • Execute and monitor cashier incentive programs including: scheme tailoring, selecting participating outlets, create communication, liaise with finance on disbursement of incentive
  • Execute and monitor cashier training activities (increase gopay transaction)
  • Work with merchant marketing to create guidebook and training material for cashiers
  • Manage training calendars
  • Work with Sales and Consumer payment team to execute MTU activation at POI and/or Key Merchants by planning for/setting up top up booth, deploying SPG, and branding execution

What You Will Need:
  • Minimum 3 years of relevant experience, with proven track record of leading region business especially retail market (Trade Marketing, Channel Marketing, Retail ) 
  • Strong business-sense with proven strategic planning  and leadership capability
  • Ability to build executable plans, with an effective execution framework using limited tools/resources at hand given that the scope is an incubation business.
  • Strong problem solving skills involving multi-discipline domains
  • Good project management skill and ability to work through other people using impact and influence approach instead of direct authority instruction approach.
  • Project Management Industry: FMCG, SMB Banking and Telecom company
  • People Management: QC POSM, cashier training

  • Harap selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala bentuk tindak penipuan.
  • Selalu hindari lowongan kerja yang memungut biaya saat proses rekrutmen, karena sejatinya mencari kerja adalah upaya untuk mencari dan mendapatkan upah, bukan untuk dipunguti upah.
  • Befwork selalu berusaha membantu untuk memilah dan memfilter informasi lowongan kerja yang dipublikasi. Tetapi, alangkah baiknya apabila diimbangi oleh wawasan yang lebih baik juga dari para Befseeker.

2024. All rights reserved.